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Showing posts from January, 2014

House of Glutes: Prenatal Edition!!!

In the past, when I mentioned topics that women wanted to discuss, pregnancy and motherhood was one of the most popular issues that readers wanted to learn more about. While I did write one blog titled “Pregnancy and Post Partum” , that was really the only time I addressed this topic. Well folks, you’re about to embark on a new journey with me! A much more detailed and informative, step by step journey on how to have a healthy and fit pregnancy… That’s because I’m expecting baby #3!!!!   J So here’s the Intro of how this little peanut is doing thus far: My little seahorse at 8 weeks. That's the head on the bottom. Maybe soon, it will actually resemble something recognizable! Haha When I first found out I was pregnant right in the middle of December, my life pretty came to a screeching halt! I stopped all my fat burners, amino acids and supplements, as well as stopped working out. Due to having a history of miscarriage in the past, (and early complications with th...