Me at 25 weeks after a workout! Well, here it is kids! The home stretch!!! This pregnancy has absolutely FLOWN by. Partly because I stay very busy with a job, a husband, 2 kids, 2 dogs and plenty of things to keep me busy! But also partly because I have felt so good! Throughout the first trimester, I almost took another pregnancy test just to make sure I was really pregnant… even after I had heard the heartbeat! I just felt so normal and healthy. I think that being in good shape helped me to overcome some of the fatigue and pregnancy symptoms that I have had in previous pregnancies. I have also heard some people say their third pregnancy is the easiest. As if your body recognizes all the hormones that come along with it, and it goes smoother because your body knows the drill and doesn’t respond as negatively to the surge in hormones. Whatever the reason, I am going into my third trimester and still working out 3-4 days a week and feeling good! :) Here are some of the...