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Showing posts from September, 2013

Tris, bis and ab= fat blasting super circuit!

Today I burned almost 900 calories doing a cardio, bicep, tricep and abs supersets! Here I will give a detailed workout of how exactly I was able to both torch fat and also build lean muscle in my arms and abs: Cardio: 15 min step mill 15 min incline trainer 15-20% incline at 3 mph On assisted pull up machine: Close grip pull ups Superset with tricep dips   On this I did 4 sets of 3-4 pull ups, unassisted, with assisted tri dips, sets of 10 Then I switched to assisted pull ups 3 more sets of 8 with assisted tri dips sets of 8 I did this because I want to strengthen my grip and get better at pull ups! But I want to do it at the beginning of my workout, when I’m the strongest. So I did as many as I could by myself, then used the assisted bench to finish out my reps.   Curved 40 lb barbell superset: 6 reps wide grip curls, 6 reps narrow grip curl, 12 reps narrow bench press for triceps Repeat X 4 In between sets, I did 12-15 reps leg ra...

Guest blog entry: Samantha Votaw's 100% Commitment to herself!

After almost 20 blog entries of my own over the last 4 months (with over 3,600 views!!! Thanks everyone!) I have decided to bring in guest bloggers in order to bring in new ideas and topics and also to keep thing on my page fresh and interesting! For this entry, I have asked my beautiful friend and spin instructor Sam, (who royally kicks my butt every Friday morning) to give her opinions on health and exercise from a fitness instructor's point of view: It Comes Down to 100% My name is Samantha Votaw, and I’ve been a group fitness instructor for over 18 years.   I’ve taught many different things throughout the years, but currently I teach three Spin classes per week.   Spin is an interval style group cycling class.   If you haven’t tried it, what are you waiting for??? This may come as a surprise, but being the teacher does not make it easier to look fit or to be fit.   Oh, how I wish it were the case!   Doing something on a regular basis actua...

Shoulder day!

One of the biggest goals for a woman is to have toned arms! Likewise, the biggest misconception is that getting good arms comes from only working your biceps. This is partly true, but in reality it is the trifecta of working out the triceps, biceps and shoulders that will fully shape the upper body and give the look of sculpted arms! Also, having a full, round shoulder cap gives the illusion of having a smaller waist, this is why shoulders are such a HUGE focus for female fitness competitors, such as Amanda Latona, pictured here:   My shoulders aren't naturally very round, so I always spend a whole days workout on them. I try to really focus on my weak points in order to bring them up to par with my stronger muscle groups. So here I will give a detailed shoulder workout, and also explain how I can burn almost 900 calories in a single workout!   I started off with 30 minutes of cardio, 15 min on the step mill and 15 on the tread climber machine. This burned ...

Pregnancy/Postpartum Health and Fitness

I’ve been asked to shine the light on how to stay fit before, during and after pregnancy. Personally, I look better now after having 2 kids than I did in high school! I attribute this to one thing and one thing only…. I made the CONSCIOUS DECISION to not let myself go when I got pregnant with my first daughter Lili. It was not an accident, it was not genetic, and it was not a fluke. It was a decision I made. I learned in a nutrition class when I was pregnant with Lili that a pregnant woman only needs an extra 200-300 calories a day to sustain a healthy pregnancy, that’s less than a bowl of oatmeal with raisins and a banana (see the pic above)… AKA not very much food! Yet the majority of women take pregnancy as free reign to eat as they please and let themselves go, meanwhile thinking “I’ll just lose the weight after I have the baby.” HAHAHA! Yeah right. Guess what new moms, you won’t even have time to shower, much less workout or count calories! It’s SOOOOO much easier to be proact...