Today I burned almost 900 calories doing a cardio, bicep,
tricep and abs supersets! Here I will give a detailed workout of how exactly I was able to both torch fat and also build lean muscle in my arms and abs:
15 min step mill
15 min step mill
15 min incline trainer 15-20% incline at 3 mph
On assisted pull up machine:
Close grip pull ups
Superset with tricep dips
On this I did 4 sets of 3-4 pull ups, unassisted, with
assisted tri dips, sets of 10
Then I switched to assisted pull ups 3 more sets of 8 with
assisted tri dips sets of 8
I did this because I want to strengthen my grip and get
better at pull ups! But I want to do it at the beginning of my workout, when I’m
the strongest. So I did as many as I could by myself, then used the assisted
bench to finish out my reps.
Curved 40 lb barbell superset:
6 reps wide grip curls, 6 reps narrow grip curl, 12 reps
narrow bench press for triceps
Repeat X 4
In between sets, I did 12-15 reps leg raise with 10 lb
plate raise for abs

Dumbbell superset:
20lb dumbbell V-curls (see pic --> ) X 10 reps superset with
35 lb dumbbell overhead tricep extension X 10 reps
Repeat X 4
In between sets, I did floor seated V-ups X 12 reps, followed by oblique planks
Reverse bicep curl on cable, 50, 60, 70, & 80 lbs
X 8-12 reps
With each set that I increased my weight, I decreased my reps.
With each set that I increased my weight, I decreased my reps.
Superset with wood chops on cable using V rope 40 lbs
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