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My Family, My Fitness, My Life...

I haven't blogged in almost 2 years, and last year I completely took down my House of Glutes Facebook page. It all just became too much. Too much homework. Too much responsibilities. Too much of everything!!! For years, I blogged, worked out, trained, and even studied Exercise Science at UCO.
It was my life.
And then things changed.
For starters, I had a third baby. And not just any baby... a holy hot mess baby! She was a handful, to say the least, and wore me smooth out, especially when it came to breastfeeding and various other Mommy demands (like ya know... sleep and whatnot). However, I stayed the course and kept powering forward.
Then, I changed my major. I was no longer immersed solely in fitness, nutrition and exercise. I started studying business and finance instead, in an effort to provide my family with a more stable and lucrative career choice for myself in the future. All of my UCO super fit friends fell by the wayside, and it just got harder.
Then.... we moved to a new town, my husband got a new job, and my kids have dabbled in sports as they have gotten older. All new, and more demanding, requirements from me have popped up over the last few years. Slowly I got farther and farther from the life I had known for almost 10 years. I would almost say I had a bit of an identity crisis. "If I'm not a Kinesiology major, I don't have time to train people and barely have time to food prep and workout myself, then who am I???"
I'm just a regular old soccer mom.
But in the last few months, my schooling has calmed down a bit, seeing as how I will be graduating at the end of this year, (YAY!!!!) my baby is now a full blown toddler and is slowly becoming a regular old kid. She is much less high maintenance in the last 6 months and this Momma is breathing a sigh of relief.
In addition to these changes, I also recently started instructing a Boot Camp for some of my Mommy friends. Honestly, this started as a way for me to avoid the gym with my nugget during flu season! But, I inadvertently rediscovered my lost love for training and teaching about nutrition and fitness. Blogging and everything that comes with it IS time consuming. But I feel like I've found myself again, in a new kind of balance that involves both fitness AND my family AND my schooling AND my friends AND (Fill in the blank with tons of other Mom shit!!).
So here I am, again... ready to rock and roll! I will be sharing some of my Boot Camp workouts on my Facebook page for House of Glutes, as well as new recipes I've been making and various other tips and tricks I find along the way :)


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