Alright folks, are we ready for round 2 of my butt blasting
series?!?! The first post was a huge hit so I’m hoping this one will be too.
Now, just because this is my second entry DOES NOT mean that these workouts
are secondary to the previous workouts I mentioned. In fact, these are some of
the best moves for complete isolation of the glutes! So without further ado,
let’s get to it:
• Leg press
(narrow stance): This is one of my favorite exercises!!! And arguably the one
that I’m the saddest about not being able to do while pregnant. The leg press
is an excellent weighted machine for lower body work. With a traditional leg
press movement, the legs are about shoulder width apart and the focus is on the
quads. However, with a narrow stance, the focus shifts to the glutes and
hamstrings. I prefer to place my feet right next to each other and put my feet
high enough up that my heels are in the very center of the platform. That way,
when you press up, you’re pushing with your heels and activating the glutes.
For me, this stance feels more stable and sturdy (as the knees are more secure).
With this foot placement I am able to lift significantly more weight than with
a wider stance, almost double actually. For this exercise, I recommend to use
heavy weight once you get the feel of the machine. For myself, I would start
out with 2-3, 45 lb plates on each side of the machine (or 180-270 lbs) to warm
up and then climb up to 8-9 plates on each side (720 -810 lbs).
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My max is 18 plates, 9 on each side, weighing in at 810 lbs + the starting weight of the machine of 100 lbs |
• Cardio in
the form of a step mill or incline trainer: This is a slightly different
approach to glute training. Cardio machines can also be utilized in muscle
growth… but only if you do it the right way! For the most part, the trick with
using these machines to aid in glute growth is to sloooowww the machine down,
and really focus on contracting the muscle.
For the
step mill, there are a few different variations that work well. My all-time
favorite is skipping steps! For this, you will have to have the machine going
slow enough that you are able to step on every other step without losing your
balance. You can even add in a kick back with the foot that’s resting. For
example, step with your right foot and swing your left foot back in a kick back
motion. You’ll also want to step with a flat foot, and if you have a small foot
that will fit on the whole step, then step with your heels. Over and over I see
people walking on the step mill on their toes. This an excellent calf and quad
workout, but to activate different muscles, that tippy toe workout ain’t gonna
cut it! Another alternative for the step mill is to step sideways. Now with
this stance, you can definitely step with your heels! I like to really slow the
machine down and focus on digging in with my heels and squeeezzzing and contracting
the glutes! Now, as a side note, the hand rails are to be used MINIMALLY for
balance purposes ONLY!!!! When you put all of your weight onto the hand rails,
you are taking of the weight OFF of your lower body. And guess what, this makes
it harder… but significantly more efficient.
trainers can also be used for slow, muscle building cardio. I like to put it
around 15% incline and 3 mph to start. Then, every 3-5 minutes, increase the
incline and slow down the speed. Once I hit the maximum incline (30%), then I
reverse it and go back down the hill. This will not work well with traditional
treadmills unless it has a pretty significant incline. Again, with this
movement, you will want to step with your heels and get a good contraction on
the glutes.
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Ashley Horner doing smith machine squats on |
• Smith
machine squats, 1 legged and 2 legged: Normally, I steer clear from the smith
machine and opt for the squat rack instead. When using a smith machine, much of
the weight is supported by the equipment versus using your body to lift the
weight. Also, a free standing squat is a more natural motion for your body than
a fixed position squat. However, there is one kind of squat that I like to use
the smith machine for, as it would be physically impossible to do in a squat
rack. I call this a “Chair squat”, as you look like you are sitting in an
invisible chair at the bottom of the movement (as pictured above). Your foot
placement is out in front of you and your weight will be kept fairly light, to
allow for a deep squat at the bottom of the movement. To make it even more
challenging, only use one foot to press up and lift the other foot up in the
air. Now, this modification is NOT for beginners and I recommend doing light
weight on this exercise until you get the hang of it.
• Abductor
machine: This is a machine that many women steer clear from! I jokingly refer
to it as “Yes No’s”…as in yes, no, yes, no, yes, no J Now make sure you find the
machine that has the weight on the OUTSIDE on the leg (as pictured below) and not the
machine with the weight on the inside of your leg (that’s the Adductor machine
and it works the opposing muscle groups). For this machine I like to start
heavy and perform one big drop set. However, some people prefer to start light
and gradually go heavier. What I do is start at about 210 lbs and do 8-10 reps,
then drop it down to 170-190 lbs and do 8-10 reps, and so on. I shoot for 100
reps with minimal rest in between, as if it’s one big set. Once I get down to
60 lbs, I increase my reps to 15, then I’ll do a burn out at 30 lbs and do 25
reps. Now, normally 30 lbs is nothing! But at the end of a 100 rep drop set….
You’ll barely be able to walk after! Another modification I do with this
machine is that I sometimes will come up off the seat slightly and hold on the
weight rack for stability and do the exercise this way. I feel that this slight
change focuses the weight more in the glutes than in the outer quad muscles.
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Jamie Eason as featured on |
• Walking
lunges: These are an excellent lower body exercise! One way that I modify them
to really hit the glutes over the quads is to add short pulses at the bottom of
each step. For example, when you take a step, before stepping with the next
foot, do 3-5 short, stationary lunges, staying low to the ground, and then lift
off to take the next step. When you are coming off of the ground is when your
glutes get activated, so if you simply add more of these movements, then you
will be using more glute muscles than in a traditional walking lunge. I like to
keep my weight fairly light with this and really focus on going low on the slow
pulses. You can either use a barbell, dumbbells or weighted plates. (I usually
use around 40-50 lbs.) Another way to hit different muscles would be to do a
slight crossover when you step (or a curtsy lunge).
*As a side note, walking lunges are
easy to do at home with dumbbells or even with no weight for beginners.
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Weighted Glute Bridges image from |
• Glute
bridges –OR-- hip thrusters: I mentioned before that leg presses are the
exercise I miss the most…. These are a close second! I absolutely LOVE this
exercise for tightening the undercarriage… ya know, the part of your leg where
butt and hamstrings meet? Also known as, the arguably the most annoying area on
most womens’ bodies! Well heres your solution gals. I often see these shown in
fitness magazines using only body weight. Well… that’s adorable and all, but
given how strong women’s lower bodies are, I see NO REASON why women can’t do
these weighted!!! Granted the picture I’ve shown above is a man…. But he’s only doing
125 lbs. That’s nothing ladies. When I did them pre-pregnancy I started at
around 115 lbs and went up in weight to 155 lbs. I would warm up with the bar
and then increase my weight gradually, until I got up to 155 lbs. Then, I would
drop all the weight off the bar and do a burn out set of 25 reps using only the
bar (45 lbs) and really squeeze at the top of the movement and get a good
contraction in the glutes. To make it even more challenging, hold your rep for
3 seconds at the top of the movement, when your body is parallel to the ground.
Also, a good trick for doing these more comfortably is to use bar padding when
placing the weight on your lap.
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1 Legged, weighted squat image from |
• One
legged squat: This exercise requires zero weight and is perfect to do at home
or in the gym. As a more advanced move, this squat can also be done with
weight. It is pretty self-explanatory (as seen in the photo above) . I prefer to do this un-weighted in a superset with a weighted
exercise, like a leg press. There are also a few modifications that can be made
in case you have trouble getting this movement down at first. One change is to
either hold onto something like a chair (this is ONLY for stability… you’re not
holding on for dear life) or you can do the squat with an exercise ball behind
your back and pressed up against a wall. You can also do this squat with a
chair or bench behind you for added security in case you do lose your balance
and fall.
• Weighted
step ups: This is an AMAZING move to both build muscle AND destroy calories!!!
I love doing these as a warm up for leg day as it both warms up the muscles and
gets the heart rate going like crazy! I prefer to do these on a box or step as
opposed to a bench. Benches are often soft and give a little when you step on
them, creating an unstable surface. I like to do these on a firm, hard surface.
I also prefer to do them weighted
(roughly a 20 lb dumbbell in each hand) but they can be done with lighter
weight or even no weight. This is another move where you will not want to step
with your toes. You will want to step with a flat foot and push up with your
heels to activate the glutes. So, you will simply get a box or step, get your
dumbbells or barbell and step up onto the surface, one leg at a time. You can
even do a kick back with the alternate foot. For example, step up with your
right foot and do a kick back with your left foot. Then, alternate legs and do
10-15 reps per leg. Sounds easy right??? Well… go do a few of these and get
back to me on that one ;-)
*An at home modification for this would be to
use a chair, a fireplace, stairs, an outdoor bench… just about anything that is
roughly 12 inches off the ground and sturdy! You can either use dumbbells or do
them un-weighted and do higher reps (20-25 each leg).
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Leg Raises Image from |
• Reverse
leg raises: This is another un-weighted exercise that can be done both at home
and in the gym. You could also add weight to this exercise using ankle weights
if desired. This movement can be done using an exercise ball (as pictured above), a
flat bench, or an incline bench (or at home I’ve even used an ottoman or coffee
table). The reason I prefer an incline bench on about a 45 degree incline is
because you get a bigger range of motion with this exercise. I also like to do
these as a lighter move in between a heavier squat and will super set them. I
like to keep a higher rep range (15-20) and make sure to get a good squeeze at
the top of the leg raise. With this exercise, make sure and do it slow and
controlled. Do not use momentum to swing your legs up and down! Keep your core
and back tight.
• Reverse
hack squat and narrow hack squat: It makes me very sad that my gym does not
have a standing hack squat as these are some of my favorite, go-to moves for
doing weighted, glute exercises! The first is the narrow hack squat. In this
squat, you are facing forward and it is a similar stance to the previously
discussed smith machine squat mentioned above, where at the bottom of the
movement, it looks as though you are sitting in a chair. I like to warm up with
about 50 lbs (25 lb plate on each side) and then work my way up to around 270
lbs, (or two, 45 lb plates on each side). Make sure you’re going down low and
squeeeeezing your hiney on the way up! If you can’t go down very low, then
lighten your weight. It is ALWAYS better to do the exercise properly and get a
good contraction, than to pull a, “dude bro’, putting every weight in the gym
on the machine and performing the exercise with a 3” range of motion!!! In fact,
at the end of my heavy set I’ll drop back down to 50 lbs and do a burn-out set
where I do static holds. To do this, simply go down as far as you can and
squat, hold it for 3-5 seconds and then come up very slowly. Do this for about
5-8 reps and you won’t be able to walk out of the gym!
*(In case you haven’t noticed, at the end of my heavy sets, I
almost always do some kind of lighter weight burnout set, or static hold set.
This fully fatigues the muscle and TRAINS them in a whole new way, other than
just doing 3 sets of 12 reps for every single exercise. THESE ARE THE SETS THAT
WILL CHANGE YOUR BODY!!! It’s adding the extra reps when you’re tired. It’s
changing up the reps, set, and momentum of your workouts. These are the things
that will trick your muscles and keep them guessing and GROWING. My theory on
how many reps to do for any given exercise is this… “Go until you can’t go
anymore. Now do 3 more reps!”)
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Reverse Hack Squat as shown by Nicole Wilkins Image from |
second favorite move to do on a hack squat is to do a reverse squat (as
pictured above). This one feels a little awkward at first, mostly for your face and
neck, but once you get the hang of it, it is an amazing exercise! I will put a
towel or my jacket (or whatever I have with me at the gym) on the back of the
machine… seeing as how this is where most people’s sweaty heads go and this is
currently where you are putting your face! Then, I do about the same weight as I
did on the previous hack squat exercise. Oh, and make sure you’re wearing pants
with this one ladies! Because if you’re in shorts, then the WHOLE gym will be seeing
your booty sticking out! So consider yourself warned...
Hey there,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Vivian. I’m the direct assistant to the owners of Dark Iron Fitness
I wanted to get in contact with you today to see if you’d be interested in a little collaboration.
We’ve recently published a blog post in the past titled : Hack Squat vs Leg Press -- Building Bigger Legs
Currently our blog post ranks on the 1st page in the number 1 spot of google for the SEO keyword search phrase : hack squat vs leg press
We noticed that you have a similar blog post titled: My Round, Firm Glute Series: Part 2
Currently your blog post ranks a little lower than ours as you sit on the 7th page in the number 7 spot for the same SEO keyword search phrase : hack squat vs leg press
Since both of our blog posts are related I thought I’d reach out to see if you were interested in linking to each other’s blog post.
And by giving each other a back link to each others blog post it will help us to rank in Google’s 1st page of search results better which of course will result in better traffic than what we are getting from our current positions
If you’re interested in this quick and simple collaboration just let me know.
Talk to you soon,
Direct Assistant - Dark Iron Fitness
Nội dung bài viết thật tuyệt vời. Mình cũng muốn giới thiệu về một Công ty dịch thuật uy tín - Công ty dịch thuật miền trung - MIDtrans trụ sở chính chính tại địa chỉ 02 Hoàng Diệu, TP Đồng Hới, tỉnh Quảng Bình có Giấy phép kinh doanh số 3101023866 cấp ngày 9/12/2016 là đơn vị chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật, phiên dịch dành các cá nhân. Hệ thống thương hiệu và các Công ty dịch thuật con trực thuộc: dịch thuật bình dương - dịch thuật miền trung tại địa 123 Lê Trọng Tấn, Dĩ An, Bình Dương là địa chỉ chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp tại Bình Dương và các khu vực lân cận ; dịch thuật hồ sơ thầu tại sài gòn địa chỉ 47 Điện Biên Phủ, Phường Đakao, Quận 1 TP HCM, dịch thuật đà lạt, lâm đồng : địa 101 Trần Hưng Đạo, TP Đà lạt là nhà cung ứng dịch vụ dịch thuật uy tín hàng đầu tại Lâm Đồng; Công ty dịch thuật Viettrans và dịc vụ binh phuoc translation: dịch vụ dịch thuật tại Bình Phước cho người nước ngoài có nhu cầu, giao diện tiếng Anh dễ sử dụng; dịch thuật tiếng hà lan tại sài gòn: nhà cung ứng dịch vụ dịch vụ dịch thuật phiên dịch hàng đầu tại TP Hồ Chí Minh; dịch thuật tiếng trung hoa tại Đà Nẵng : Địa chỉ 54 Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Quận Hải Châu, TP Đà Nẵng chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật công chứng, dịch thuật đa ngôn ngữ, đa chuyên ngành tại Đà Nẵng; Viettrans 43 Điện Biên Phủ, Quận 1 Sài Gòn: chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật đa chuyên ngành toàn quốc; Công ty dịch thuật Hà Nội MIDtrans chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật tại bà rịa, vũng tàu : địa chỉ 55 Lê Thánh Tông, TP Bà Rịa là nhà cung ứng dịch vụ biên dịch, phiên dịch chuyên nghiệp tại địa bàn Vũng Tàu. Ngoài ra, Chúng tôi cũng cung cấp các dịch vụ biên dịch và phiên dịch, dịch thuật công chứng chất lượng cao hơn 50 ngôn ngữ khác nhau như tiếng Anh, Nhật, Hàn, Trung, Pháp, Đức, Nga, .vv... Dịch thuật MIDtrans tự hào với đội ngũ lãnh đạo với niềm đam mê, khát khao vươn tầm cao trong lĩnh vực dịch thuật, đội ngũ nhân sự cống hiến và luôn sẵn sàng cháy hết mình. Chúng tôi phục vụ từ sự tậm tâm và cố gắng từ trái tim những người dịch giả.Tự hào là công ty cung cấp dịch thuật chuyên ngành hàng đầu với các đối tác lớn tại Việt nam trong các chuyên ngành hẹp như: vietnamese tourist tại 46 Trần Cao Vân, TP Huế chuyên trang về thông tin du lịch và các tour đặc sắc tại Việt Nam, y dược (bao gồm bệnh lý), xây dựng (kiến trúc), hóa chất, thủy nhiệt điện, ngân hàng, tài chính, kế toán. Các dự án đã triển khai của Công ty dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp MIDtrans đều được Khách hàng đánh giá cao và đạt được sự tín nhiệm về chất lượng biên phiên dịch. Đó là kết quả của một hệ thống quản lý chất lượng dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp, những tâm huyết và kinh nghiệm biên phiên dịch nhiều năm của đội ngũ dịch giả của chúng tôi. Hotline: 0947688883. email: . Các bạn ghé thăm site ủng hộ nhé.