Ahhhh New Year’s... the time to evaluate our lives, set goals and start over. Did you know that 66% of New Year’s resolutions include setting fitness goals? Whether that be losing weight, stopping smoking, or simply maintaining a current healthy lifestyle, many people use this time to achieve something greater in their lives. However, only 8% of resolvers actually attain their New Year’s goals. That’s less than inspiring. Personally, I don’t set any resolutions. I never have. For me, if I want to attain something or reach a goal, I will do it no matter what time of year it is!!! This is why I kind of take New Year’s resolutions with a grain of salt. If you want to change your lifestyle and be healthier, then do it!!! Just do it… everyday... period. Being healthy shouldn’t mean reaching a certain number on the scale. It also doesn’t have to mean depriving yourself, or setting unrealistic expectations. When I work with clients who want to lose weight, I make sure and expr...