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My food recipes round 2!

I've been experimenting with some new food ideas and have been asked to share my recipes. So here goes!

Cookies: There are several protein no bake cookie recipes out there, but this is the one my family likes!
4 tbsp. margarine, butter (or Greek yogurt)
½ cup skim milk
2 scoops chocolate protein powder
½ cup natural peanut butter
3 cups quick oats
3 tablespoons vanilla extract 
1/4 cup Splenda or Truvia
Melt butter, then add protein, milk, & Truvia
Bring to a boil, then remove from heat
Combine melted mixture with pb, oats and vanilla
Mix this all together, shape into cookies and place on wax paper (I put mine in the fridge to set)

 Turkey: I get the leanest ground turkey I can find (95-99%) and mix it all into a sauce pan with uncooked veggies (for example bell peppers, onions, jalapenos, spinach, kale, tomatoes, zucchini, etc) and any spices you want (I use garlic, salt, black pepper and some Italian seasoning). Mix this all into sauté pan and let cook, covered, on a low setting. The turkey will cook fast but this will allow the veggies to soften and cook also.

Grilled veggies: Place chopped, uncooked veggies in foil. Include any veggies desired such as peppers, onions, asparagus, etc. Add 1 tbsp light olive oil as well as any spices (blackened seasoning, garlic, onion powder, etc). Cover entire veggie wrap in foil and cook on top rack of grill for 30 minutes on medium heat.

Egg muffins: These are hands down my favorite new discovery! They’re so yummy, so healthy and super portable. I don’t have exact portions of ingredients because I just eyed everything. Plus different muffin pans are different sizes but here what I used…

Egg whites, any veggies of choice (I used any combination of spinach, kale, zucchini, sweet peppers and onions) as well as lean turkey bacon. Cut up the uncooked veggies (the veggies will get cooked by the egg whites) and cooked turkey bacon, then toss in a bowl and add garlic salt. Mix with egg whites and pour into muffin pan (that has been coated with an oil or spray). I cook mine on 325 for about 15 minutes. When I take them out I immediately put shredded white cheese on the top and let it melt onto the muffin. Once it cools the remove from pan and either eat or store. I eat mine with buffalo Tobasco sauce or light sour cream. Another option I would love to try is a southwest version with black beans and cayenne pepper or jalapenos!

Quesadillas: I take Joseph’s thin flax wraps and place a light coat of real butter on one side. Then fill it with any ingredients desired (I like to use diced up chicken breast, white cheeses, jalapenos and kale). Cook on low heat for about 5 minutes on each side, or until the wrap start turning brown. This wrap gets very crispy and flaky and I think is even better than a regular tortilla!

Kale: Many of my recipes call for kale. A lot of people don’t know what kale it or how to cook with it. Kale is a very nutritious veggie that has fiber, protein, antioxidants and tons of vitamins. The best part is that it has very little taste or flavor, so by adding it to food, you don’t change the taste at all, yet you add tons of nutrition! It comes in many forms in grocery stores… sometimes in a head and sometimes in a more bouquet kind of shape. Regardless, I take it home, dry it out and chop it up in my food processor. Then I lay it out and let it dry some more. I put it in Ziploc baggies and it’s ready to go and I just sprinkle it onto any meal, wrap, or omelet I make!


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