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Ashley takes on the world!

Who in their right mind decides to lose weight in November?!?! Right before Thanksgiving, Christmas parties, family get-togethers, fudge, candy canes, and egg nog??? Ashley Saylor, that’s who! Ashley is a friend of mine whose story deserves to be shared. Her journey is one of no excuses, no fancy pills, no expensive personal trainers, and no starvation diets… nothing but clean eating and hard work! Oh, and did I mention she did it all with 2 small children and a husband at home…? (Insert re-evaluation of your long list of excuses here)

       One year ago from today, Ashley weighed 240 lbs. She had struggled with her weight since 2004 and now she was also holding onto excess baby weight from her son, who was 1 at the time, and she was ready to for change. After trying diet pills in the past, she knew that she needed to try something different… something that would be a permanent lifestyle change and not just a quick fix. She needed a change that could be maintained long term. She decided to try the Atkin’s diet in November of 2012. She knew that weight loss would be a challenge with the Holidays right around the corner, but she decided that if she was going to learn self-control, she needed to learn it right out of the gate! Even if it meant giving up her beloved pecan pie at Thanksgiving! The Atkin’s diet is a low carbohydrate approach to eating. By only changing her eating habits, with no exercise, she got down to 160 lbs within 6 months! (Hence why I always say that diet is THE KEY to weight loss!!!) She lost the last 10 lbs by adding exercise to her routine. The motivation to get a gym membership came from her sister, Allison. At the time, Allison was training to compete in a Bikini fitness competition. During a trip to see Allison compete, Ashley and her sister decided to hit the hotel gym together. It was at this moment of trying to keep up with her sister at the gym that Ashley realized that even though she had come so far, she still had a long way to go as far as being fit and in shape. Allison was a huge motivator for Ashley as well. All while Ashley was going through her weight loss journey, Allison had just gotten into the fitness competition scene. Watching her sister looking and feeling so good inspired Ashley to keep pushing harder herself! 
Ashley and Allison backstage at one of Allison's shows

She now maintains her weight between 145- 150 lbs. She is at the same weight that she was in high school… 10 years ago! She was even able to lose the first 30 lbs within one month by simply cutting out her carbs. However, what started as an Atkin’s approach to dieting, eventually led to a complete overhaul of her family’s kitchen. She began cooking cleaner meals, eating out less, getting rid of junk food, and being more aware of her food consumption overall. She now eats around 100 grams of carbs per day and is able to fit that into her diet using healthy high protein meals with lots of veggies, with occasional treats like sugar free ice cream.

                Her new habits eventually rubbed off on her family, and now her husband has lost almost 40 lbs! He was initially reluctant to the changes, but once she gradually snuck healthier food on to their dinner table, he started to enjoy it more and more. Her two kids, Kaidan,2, and Sophia,8, now have more energy and are even trying to win school awards given out for fitness… something that would have never even come up if Ashley hadn’t put the focus on health and exercise for her family. She has replaced the family’s sodas for water, got rid of the chips and other calorie dense foods and they even gave up sugar. And not only does the family not miss eating these foods, but they are truly enjoying the healthier options that Ashley prepares for them! Everyone in her house now has more energy, is well rested, and their taste buds have changed to where they eating lighter foods. Furthermore, She claims to get more full on healthier meals than she did on junk food as it is more nutrient dense, more fibrous and more filling!

The best part of this accomplishment to me is the affect it has had on her children. My biggest goal in life is to set my children up for success; in all areas, including health and fitness. This is something that Ashley has now done for her daughter. Sophia watched her mom take this journey and saw her mom’s successes and struggles all along the way. Ashley has the tools now that she can teach her children on how to stay happy and healthy. She has given her daughter a positive female role model who now puts herself as a priority in her own life and is showing them that their health is important. She has set her children up to have healthier habits as adults in order to hopefully ward off genetic illnesses such as diabetes and heart illnesses that run in Ashley’s family. THIS is why I’m so passionate about doing what I do! It’s the women that can change the habits of a household and EVERYONE ELSE WILL FOLLOW SUIT! The key to stopping obesity, especially childhood obesity is us, ladies… THE WOMEN! It won’t happen overnight, but this is my own personal theory and my interview with Ashley proved it to be true. WE are who affects the next generation of girls… WE are the ones who will teach them about self control and self esteem…. It’s us. Right now…

Ashley continues to have goals for herself (such as adding more muscle and tightening up loose skin), but for the most part she is content with her weight where it’s at today. Her biggest struggle now is finding clothes that fit and feeling comfortable in her new body! After looking a certain way for 8 years, her mind has not yet caught up to her body. Her rapid weight loss has been a lot for her to wrap her head around, and she still only really notices it when she sees pictures of herself looking smoking hot! J Ashley continues to be a huge inspiration her family and those around her. I’m grateful to have had this opportunity to learn more about her and her experiences. Keep up the hard work girl! 
Ashley's beautiful family

For more healthy recipes and workout tips, follow my fitness FB page, "House of Glutes" and my Instagram at "anniemc1101". I am now offering 1-on-1 personal training sessions as well as nutrition counseling . Please contact me for more information at


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