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My Story...

I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a student. I am a bartender. I am an athlete….well kind of. I never grew up doing sports or anything athletic at all. I was a band nerd…not coordinated, not popular, not particularly attractive. As I entered adulthood around 17 or 18 I started running, mostly because I didn’t know what else to do but wanted to get physically active and in shape. Over the years I taught myself how to lift weights from reading magazines, watching FitTV and Googling everything I wanted to learn about. I learned what to eat, I learned how to exercise, and I did it all with no coaches and with no teammates. This has brought me to where I am today. I don't claim to have a perfect body...hell I don't want a perfect body! It's too much responsibility! But given my schedule and my lifestyle I do my best to look good and feel good. I've found what works best for me is to find a balance...between eating clean the majority of the time, while still allowing some cheats and treats for when I want to take the kids for ice cream... or when family functions and events come up.

 My greatest role I could ever aspire to in life is that of being a mom. That being said, I also feel strongly that keeping myself healthy and in shape plays a vital role in being a good parent. Being fit makes me more confident, it makes me a better role model for my girls, it will help me live longer for them and for my future grandkids, and best of all, it teaches them that women can be strong!!!

I am not a certified trainer (yet) and I do not have my degree in Exercise Science (yet), however I am presently working on both of those goals. However, I have been studying exercise and nutrition for almost 13 years, both on my own and at universities.

 This blog will be a forum for mothers and women to go to for answers and support, whether their goal be weight loss, muscle gains, or just overall physical well-being. I will try to make posts at least once or twice a week covering various topics such as: meal preparation, pregnancy, healthy recipes for both kids and adults, how to do proper cardio, how to read nutrition labels, supplements, common myths, why women should lift weights, how to workout at home, and some of the biggest mistakes I see in the gym.

Disclaimer: I know how to write, but I don’t know how to blog! Please be patient as I figure out the ins and outs of how this thing works and how to answer questions and such.

Annie McDonald


  1. Excited to be a part of your blog Annie! Can't wait to see what you have to offer us!

  2. This is so awesome!!!


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