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House of Glutes: Prenatal Edition!!!

In the past, when I mentioned topics that women wanted to discuss, pregnancy and motherhood was one of the most popular issues that readers wanted to learn more about. While I did write one blog titled “Pregnancy and Post Partum” , that was really the only time I addressed this topic. Well folks, you’re about to embark on a new journey with me! A much more detailed and informative, step by step journey on how to have a healthy and fit pregnancy… That’s because I’m expecting baby #3!!!!  J So here’s the Intro of how this little peanut is doing thus far:

My little seahorse at 8 weeks. That's the head on the bottom.
Maybe soon, it will actually resemble something recognizable! Haha
When I first found out I was pregnant right in the middle of December, my life pretty came to a screeching halt! I stopped all my fat burners, amino acids and supplements, as well as stopped working out. Due to having a history of miscarriage in the past, (and early complications with this pregnancy) I wanted to make sure all was well with this little nugget before I commenced in my normal routine. So I pretty much slowed down my normal 99 MPH pace and tried to stay off my feet whenever possible… Which having 2 kids already and being a bartender doesn’t leave much downtime as it is! I’ve had a few workouts since then, but due to nausea, they haven’t been anything to write home about. Next week, i'll be at 10 weeks, and almost out of the first trimester. At that point, I'll be getting back to my normal routine of lifting 4-5 times per week. My main focus in my workouts is keeping my heart rate down and I no longer sit in the sauna so my body temperature doesn’t increase too much. Basically, because I had pretty intense workouts before the pregnancy, I can bring it down a notch and still have a good workout…. especially seeing as how I have ZERO supplements or caffeine to help me out anyway, I’m not really in the mood to give 100%! Haha, so I decided that I will try to keep up with as much of my normal routine as possible because I know that the bigger I get, the more limited my movements will become and the more sore and tired I will be.  Obviously movements like glute bridges, where you lay a weighted bar across your lap, are out of the question as I generally put up to 190 lbs across my lower stomach during this very effective glute exercise. I have a lot more options now while I am still small, but as the months go on, I will not be doing any movements that require laying on my back or stomach. I also decided to focus more on strengthening my back in the next few months, as back strength helps in carrying around the extra belly weight when I get bigger in later months.

My breakfast is on the left, blueberry protein pancakes
with 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites.
Now as far as my diet goes, I have tried to keep it mostly the same with a few adjustments. First, I increased my carb intake. On a given day before I was pregnant, I tried to keep my carbs somewhat low, ideally in the 100-150 grams a day range. I now am not counting any of my food or carbs, but I do try to stick to complex carbs such as oats, whole grain pita breads and wraps and  potatoes.  I also have tried to add more protein into my diet by adding things like fat free milk, cottage cheese and other low fat cheeses, in addition to what I ate before: eggs and egg whites, chicken, turkey and high-protein green leafy veggies like spinach and kale. I did have to make one big change to my diet however… before I would eat tilapia roughly 3 times per week…. And now I just can’t do anything that swims! It’s just repulsive right now, BLECH! I’m also trying to add more healthy fats like egg yolks, avocadoes and nuts as the Omega’s found in these healthy fats are good for baby’s brain and development. I’m trying to stick mostly to my normal foods and clean foods… Which all us mom’s know is NOT always a possibility when the little peanut is kinnnnd of making the decisions on what you’re going to eat that day! Currently I’m craving Mexican food!!! And I may or may not indulge in that craving… but if I do, I’ll likely get a small portion of something, just enough to curb the appetite and not so much I make myself miserable since my body isn’t used to eating stuff like that. Pictured below is an example of how I hit said Mexican food craving without going overboard!

As of 8 weeks pregnant, I have lost 5 pounds L this is due to muscle loss over the last few weeks. I have already gone down a pant size so this weight is coming from my lower body. I’m now wearing jeans that didn’t fit me 2 months ago. Ironically, I always kept my smaller size clothes on hand for when I became pregnant again! I know…this makes no sense. Although my body weight won’t change much for a few months at least, my body composition will likely change much faster. I was around 17% body fat at the beginning of December. This will go up faster than my weight, seeing as how I’ll have to gain that 5 pounds that I lost back! I’m okay with that though. I personally think that 17 is a pretty low bf to be carrying a baby around anyway! This is part of the reason why I’m not counting my calories right now. I’d like to stay around 20% throughout my pregnancy… although I’m not going to keep track of that number. As long as I have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy momma, then that’s fine by me!!!
Hmmmm... is that from eating carbs or is there a little nugget hiding in there??? :-P


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